Submitting A Bot

You submit a zip file containing your MyBot file and any other files needed to compile and run your MyBot file.

Installing Dependencies

Instead of packaging up your dependencies inside your zip file, you may include a bash file named that will be run before your bot is compiled.

It will be run with internet access and write access to only its current directory. It may run for a maximum of 10 minutes and will not be able to make global installation changes (i.e. apt-get will not work).

Package Managers

The following package managers are already installed on the server and can be used to install dependencies locally:

  • pip3
  • bundler
  • npm

curl is also available and can be used to download additional runtimes, tools, and environments.

If your library isn't on a package manager that supports local installation and you can’t download it with curl, you are going to have to compile it on our game servers. Include the source of you library in your bot's zip file and put compilation instructions in the file.

Preinstalled Libraries

For convenience's sake, we include tensorflow, keras (using a tensorflow backend), numpy, scipy, scikit-learn, pillow, and h5py on our game servers. Just import these libraries from your python files like normal!


Bot compilation is done using this autocompile script. Many languages will be properly autodetected and compiled if needed without the need for an script.

Your main file must be called MyBot. Your language is recognized using the file extension of your MyBot file. The appropriate file extensions for each language are:

  • Java - .java
  • Python - .py
  • C++ - .cpp and .h(pp)
  • C# - .cs
  • Rust - .toml (for your Cargo.toml) and .rs (for your Rust source)
  • Scala - .scala
  • Ruby - .rb
  • Go - .go
  • PHP - .php
  • JavaScript - .js
  • OCaml - .ml
  • Clojure - .clj
  • C - .c

See the Game Server Reference for details about compiler and runtime versions.

Customizing your language name

If you are using a language that is generic or that does not have first class support on the server, you can include a file named LANGUAGE containing the name of the language you are using. This will be used only for display on the rankings and in your profile.

JVM Languages

For JVM languages, you can submit a jar file inside of your zip file instead of source files. The jar will be executed java -jar MyBot.jar so you need to define a Main-Class header in the manifest.


You may supply a script to control how your bot is run. Many languages will be properly autodetected and run without the need for an script. You should only include a custom script if you have a real need for one.

Custom Runtime

You could use a file to use a custom runtime such as PyPy instead of the default Python 3.

Understanding Game Logs

When your bot times out or errors on our game servers, we save and display a log file with debugging information including the time your bot took each turn, its output each turn, and its final output from stdout and stderr.

To find these log files, visit your homepage. Just click the download log button to grab your error log for a game.